About Us. Avalon Food

“Intuition and representation of the way in which individual events follow one another and relate to one another”.

Time is a fascinating concept.

What makes it so attractive are the different interpretations and characteristics that man has given it. Just as we have done with our products, we want to use our good relationship with time to tell the story of Avalon.

There is one point about time that virtually everyone agrees on: time is the union of countless moments and events. Therefore, our story will also be characterised by events and insights that have occurred over time.

The past leading to the present

The story begins with Gabriele Enrico’s decision to embrace cooking and make it one of the main pillars of his life. His commitment and dedication to pursuing this passion led him to become a chef at the age of 26, to achieve important professional rewards in his more than twenty years on the front lines of the hospitality industry and then to the pivotal event that led to Avalon.

In 2008, the chef was asked to design a menu to be served at a stand, but at a trade fair where food was not the main focus and where people were not expected to stop and eat.

These dishes served to differentiate themselves from the others in order to be more easily remembered. Due to the expected volume, space and time constraints, it was by no means possible to prepare every express dish. However, dishes had to be of a certain standard and have a certain impact as a recognisable feature of the stand.

This need gave rise to the very first version of Piatti sospesi nel tempo (Time-suspended dishes) and the vision that led to Avalon.

The past changes the present and the future

Now a thought of the past that gives you the ability to bend the present and the future to your advantage, also known as experience. Only those who can fully analyse a problem can find lasting solutions. This ability to analyse appropriately can certainly come from intuition, but it is much more likely to be the child of experience.

Life’s events can either be a challenge or bring great satisfaction. Difficulties teach you how to react and be prepared, while successes give you confirmation of new skills. Thanks to the experience of its employees, Avalon has been supporting the hospitality industry for 15 years, offering effective products and solutions to those who ask for them.

One of Avalon’s founding experiences is that of chef Enrico. His insatiable curiosity about this world has led him to travel, explore different approaches to cooking and witness first-hand the changes that have taken place over time.

From the seemingly most insignificant changes, such as the transition from dinner at four in the afternoon to a 24-hour restaurant in Dubai, to possibly more fundamental aspects such as the perception of work and the changing needs of employees.

Hospitality creates unforgettable moments for customers and evokes memorable emotions. There was a time when this was the only focus and there was no concern for the number of hours worked or the psychophysical balance of employees. Today it is different, the focus is on both customers and workers.

Aware of this change, when Chef Enrico was confronted with his ‘very first version of Piatti sospesi nel tempo’, the realisation was immediate. By perfecting that newly created product, he could satisfy everyone: employers, employees and customers.

The future in the present

How can the future coexist with the present? Perhaps by arriving earlier than expected, through innovation. Since 2009, Avalon has been searching for a new perspective for the gastronomy industry and developing solutions, such as the preservation method that makes Piatti sospesi nel tempo possible. Thus, Avalon is able to provide the Italian and now also the European hospitality industry with support that will satisfy everyone. Through Avalon, employers can increase their own financial resources. They can also provide the necessary staff for every service (and even stay open 24 hours a day). In addition, the kitchen enjoys the peace and quiet that only comes from having the right time for everything. Employees benefit from better working conditions, have a satisfying private life and are consequently happy at work. Customers savour an excellent meal and have a pleasant or even unique experience thanks to the service offered.